Cybernetica Showcases Integrated Surveillance Systems at the Defence & Security Equipment International 2019

Cybernetica participates at the Defence & Security Equipment International 2019 (DSEI) with the focus on integrated surveillance systems and situational awareness for the defence sector.

This year, the DSEI focuses on emerging technologies, cross-sector exploitation and international collaboration. Digital topics are also in the spotlight – system integration, artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, robotics, and big data. The complexity of modern warfare and security operations is reflected by the wide range of areas covered, including air, land, naval, security and joint.

Implementation of new technologies, like integrated surveillance systems, increases situational awaress in both physical and cyber domain, as well as improves decision-making quality. More accurate information flow is due to better integration of state-of-the-art sensors and calls for security in every step – starting from data acquisition, transfer and processing until its visual display.

„We are glad to present Cybernetica’s solutions at such a substantial event for the defence sector. We underline the importance of situational awareness achieved with systems that are secure by design, modular, and with open architecture. Therefore, it is pleasant to see that our core principles have carried over to the defence sector. Over 100 successful implementations of our radio communication, border surveillance and other mission-critical systems across the world prove that the sector has realized the crucial role of system integration,“ says Martin Link, the Head of Sales at Cybernetica.

Cybernetica participates at the DSEI together with the Estonian national stand, organised by Enterprise Estonia and Estonian Defense Industry Association. The national stand will also be visited by Estonian Minister of Defence, Mr. Jüri Luik.

The DSEI is the world leading event connecting governments, national armed forces, industry thought leaders and the global defence and security supply chain on an unrivalled scale. In 2017, over 1,600 exhibitors and 35,000 visitors from more than 50 countries took part at the DSEI.