UXP Data Privacy tools

Transparency-enhancing Access Tracking and Consent Management technologies for data protection and privacy compliance.

Talk to our experts

Data protection and privacy regulations such as the GDPR impel companies and governments to demonstrate their data transparency. Our product portfolio includes Data Privacy tools that ensure the highest level of trust, traceability and transparency. Our architecture supports de-centralised – such as the Unified eXchange Platform (UXP) interoperability technology - as well as centralised solutions. Each organisation can decide for themselves, or one single institution can oversee the access attempts across organisations. This makes our solutions fitting for various governments or enterprises.

Access Tracking

The Access Tracking (ATR) tool helps end-users monitor and trace who has accessed their data via interoperability platforms. The solution shows both when and for what service personal data was accessed. Consequently, our product helps both the citizen who wants a better overview of processed data, and the organisation who is under pressure to comply with privacy standards. For example, the Access Tracking tool helps follow the criteria set by GDPR article 15, which concerns the data subject’s access rights and information regarding the processing of their data, along with the general principle of transparency.

Access Tracking enables:

  • Increased trust and transparency in a digital society

  • Compliance with privacy preserving regulations

  • Empowerment of end-users within data governance process

  • Greater accountability for arbitrary or unauthorised data usage

  • Easy roll-out and continuous scalability in harmony with existing data exchange infrastructure

While Access Tracking keeps the citizen informed about their data, our Consent Management System (CMS) tool goes one step further, and gives sovereignty over who can process ones’ data, back to the end user. Thus, via Consent Management System the data subject can decide by whom and for which purposes their data can be processed. CMS ensures that data are processed only for purposes agreed to by the citizen. Therefore, the general privacy principles of purpose limitation and data minimisation can be better followed. In addition, the data subject can retract their approval at any time and receive notifications about changes to terms. CMS helps comply with multiple GDPR articles by providing means to follow the requirements technically and also organisationally, including articles 7 and 25, which regulate the conditions for consent and data protection by design and by default.

Consent Management enables:

  • Enhanced trust between users and organisations

  • Informed choice in personal data processing

  • Transparency from clearly defined purpose and duration of data processing

  • Leveraging data that would otherwise be inaccessible due to privacy concerns

  • Accommodation for both centralised and decentralised systems

Additional documents

UXP Data Privacy tools as a helping hand to comply with the GDPR

Download UXP Data Privacy:GDPR.pdf (.pdf)

Interested to know more?

For more information, please contact:

Marko Petron

Head of Data Exchange Technologies Department
