Beware of phishing attempts on behalf of Cybernetica

Hea külastaja

Ära lange õngitsusskeemide ohvriks!

Cybernetica nimel tehakse õngitsuskõnesid meie infotelefonilt 6397991 eesmärgiga saada isiku- või pangaandmeid, samuti Smart-ID paroole, dokumendinumbreid ja muid tundlikke andmeid.

Kinnitame, et Cybernetica ei ole mitte mingil moel selliste skeemidega seotud – me ei küsiks sult iial andmeid telefoni või e-posti teel ja mitte mingil muul moel.

Ole hoolas võõrastega suhtlemisel ja kui kontakt tundub kahtlane või tekitatakse tunnet, et pead KOHE mingit probleemi lahendama avaldades oma andmeid või paroole, võid olla kindel, et tegemis on õngitsusskeemiga. Sellisel juhul on mõistlik kontakt katkestada ja teatada intsidendist Politseisse või CERT-EE-le. Kui koged õngitsuskatset Cybernetica nimel, teata meile juhtumist


Dear visitor

It has come to our attention that there have been phishing attempts on behalf of Cybernetica. For now, the recorded incidents have happened in Estonia only, but we urge people living in other countries to beware as well. The malicious individuals may attempt to get ahold of your personal information such as full name, personal code or any other document identifiers, bank or Smart-ID credentials etc.

Cybernetica affirms that we are NOT involved with these calls in any way. Cybernetica will NEVER ask you to disclose your personal, financial or any other sensitive information – not in calls, not via emails, not in any other way. We are aware that our phone number +3726397991 has been spoofed and such information has been shared with our Telecom provider, Police and CERT-EE team. Unfortunately our phone service provider has not been able to stop all such spoofed calls.

Please be extremely diligent with strangers seeking contact, as phishing attempts are at an all time high. Never give out your personal or financial information to unverified contacts and report the incidents.
In Estonia, you can report the incident directly to the Police and Border Guard Board or to CERT-EE. Additionally, we encourage you to let us know of the incident at