Single Electricity Flexibility Platform

The flexibility market platform facilitates easy trading of flexibility resources between TSO/DSO, flexibility providers, and market operators.

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The flexibility market platform facilitates easy trading of flexibility resources between transmission system operators (TSOs) and distribution system operators (DSOs), flexibility providers, and market operators.

Flexibility requests and offers follow specific flexibility product criteria, and the best match is determined from the offers to meet the needs, which is then shared with market participants.

An open and standardized flexibility market solution simplifies the entry of new flexibility service providers into the market. This fosters competition, ultimately driving down the costs of resources needed by the system operator.

Platform beneficiaries are:

  1. 1

    FSP (Flexibility Service Provider)

  2. 2

    SO (Electricity System Operators) Both transmission and distribution network operators

  3. 3

    MO (Market Operator)

Key characteristics of the flexibility platform

Aggregation and control of flexibility resources according to SO network topology

Collection and control of flexibility offers according to SO network topology

Aggregation of flexibility needs

Compiling the optimal combination of offers that meets flexibility needs

The initiative to activate the selected offers according to the definition of the flexibility product

Retrospective control of activated volumes

Sending offers to the MARI platform

Flexibility platform core interfaces

Collection of network data (topology information) from SO environments

Collecting resources from flexibility aggregator systems

Gathering flexibility needs from SO environments

Reception of flexibility offers, transmission of selection decisions and activation messages to the MO platform

Collection of consumption data from SO systems

Interface with the MARI (Manually Activated Reserves Initiative) system

Interface with pan-European system Onenet Middleware

FSP resource definition user interface

Technical features

  • Storage and use of energy network data for the needs of the flexibility market

  • Maintaining the privacy of the end user's consumption data through the mandate system

  • Interface with FIWARE based systems

  • High performance technical architecture

  • Connecting to the MARI system

Architecture of Single Electricity Flexibility Platform


This product is part of the ‘OneNet’ project.

Would you like to know more?

Contact our team:

Marko Petron

Head of Data Exchange Technologies Department