
We provide digitalization services for participants in the energy market, benefiting both energy consumers and sellers.

Talk to our experts

Access to renewable energy and ensuring the free and secure movement of energy data represent the primary challenges faced by the energy sector. Cybernetica possesses extensive expertise in this field.

Our Offering

Our products

Our goal is to also help international energy service providers to improve the secure flow of data. This leads to higher levels of transparency around energy consumption, which in turn leads to better sustainability.

Our references

We have worked with one of the largest energy service providers in Estonia since 2015, producing research and development in addition to product design.

Simpl (2024)

Simpl is the smart middleware that will enable cloud-to-edge federations and support all major data initiatives funded by the European Commission, such as common European data spaces.

Baltic Sea Hydrogen (2023)

This project aims to develop, scale and demonstrate hydrogen use in production, storage and distribution, and in Use Cases in different sectors from industry, mobility and energy.

OneNet (2021)

This project aims to seamlessly integrate all European electricity network actors, optimizing the energy system and fostering an open, fair market.

Interrface (2020)

This project aims to create a pan-European Grid Services Architecture for smooth, coordinated interactions among power system stakeholders.

SysFlex (2018)

The objective of this project was to develop a flexibility roadmap to support the implementation of cost-effective solutions.

Estfeed (2016)

Estfeed is an energy-focused data exchange platform for secure sharing and control of measurement data by consumers.

“During my tenure at Elering, I was delighted by our longstanding partnership with Cybernetica, renowned for their robust expertise in the energy sector.”

Taavi Veskimägi (Elering)

Chairman of the Board (2009-2023)

Our expertise

25+ years of experience

We have 25 years of experience in building future-proof technologies that rely on research and development.

Architects of X-Road

Architects of the X-Road interoperability platform and the e-Estonia ecosystem.

Energy market experts

Interoperability platforms, metering data distributions, ENTSO-e, MARI, CIM.

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Would you like to know more?

Contact our team:

Marko Petron

Head of Data Exchange Technologies Department