Cybernetica to Research Opportunities for Implementing AI in e-Governance

Cybernetica will participate in a research consortium to find opportunities for using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in e-governance.

An agreement was signed to implement the project “Machine learning and AI powered public service delivery” between the Estonian Research Council and the research consortium consisting of Cybernetica, the University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, and STACC. The project will be conducted during the next two years with the outcomes used for developing e-government solutions by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and the Government Office of the Republic of Estonia.

The main objectives of the project are to assess the overall capabilities and limits of implementing AI in the Estonian public sector to ensure more efficient service provision. As a result, four use cases will be developed and deployed in the following fields: labour market, fire rescue planning, eHealth, and cybersecurity. In addition, the project covers impact report including policy and technical recommendations, and legal analysis of the feasibility and usability of ML and AI in public service delivery.

The main role of Cybernetica is to provide knowledge in privacy-preserving technologies as this project includes sensitive data, and to consult on technical and development issues. “For years, big data analysis has been done without extreme vigilance on data privacy. We are glad that in addition to researching new implementation opportunities for ML and AI in e-governance, this project provides a chance to explore the feasibility of conducting studies using privacy-preserving technologies and ensuring the privacy of the individual,” says Liina Kamm, Researcher at Cybernetica.

The results of the research will be published at the end of 2021. The project “Machine learning and AI powered public service delivery” is funded under the RITA programme which is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Estonian state budget.