New summer interns have joined Cybernetica

“I wanted to join Cybernetica because it’s an Estonian company with a long history. Additionally, Cybernetica has given a big input to Estonia’s e-state success, so I wanted to be a part of it.”


Intern at Tax and Customs Department

Each year Cybernetica welcomes new interns to join the company's different departments. Our support of international students has been long-term, systematic, and an outstanding commitment. This year, we are happy to be joined by 23 interns, 9 in Tallinn and 14 in Tartu.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the roles:

2 junior DevOps engineers
4 junior analysts
9 junior programmers
2 junior QA engineers
2 junior security engineers
1 junior business analyst
3 research assistants

Of the 23 interns, 7 are women and 16 are men. Interestingly enough, one of the research assistants is a second year in a row with us.

We pulled three of them aside for a chat and we’re thrilled to introduce you to them. We talked to Hanna-Maria, junior analyst; Markus, junior DevOps engineer; and Herman, research assistant.

Why did you decide to apply to Cybernetica?

Hanna-Maria: I wanted to join Cybernetica because it’s an Estonian company with a long history. Additionally, Cybernetica has given a big input to Estonia’s e-state success, so I wanted to be a part of it.

Markus: I saw Cybernetica at the Delta Career Day fair and there was a DevOps engineer position available. Since might see it as my dream position, I wanted instantly to see what it’s like to work as a DevOps engineer.

Herman: Firstly, Cybernetica has a good reputation and I like that there’s a big focus on research. Secondly, I received a scholarship for my Master’s studies and it has made my life a lot easier. And lastly, the research internship included many interesting topics. In fact, it was difficult to choose from them, but I’m happy with my choice and my mentor is also very enthusiastic about it.

What do you want to learn and achieve at the internship?

Hanna-Maria: I’d like to see what it’s like to work in this field and what the analyst’s job like. I’m also looking forward to all of the connections. I hope the internship gives me a better idea on what I want to study in the future.

Markus: Most of all, I want to experience the DevOps engineer position hands-on. I’ve heard lots of good things about this position and now I have the chance to actually put my knowledge to practice. Additionally, I want my work to be also valuable to Cybernetica, too.

Herman: I’m looking forward to coming to the office on a hot summer day where it’s nice and cool, and there’s good coffee, too. My computer setup is very nice as well! As for my own goals, I want to put apply my knowledge and skills in an actual work environment and I hope to work in a project that is hardware-based.

How would you change the world if you could?

Hanna-Maria: I would like everyone to have a very close partner that they care about and can share everything freely with. I think if everyone had a close connection with somebody, many of the problems in the world would resolve themselves.

Markus: I think all of us can do some good already. Even a simple compliment or any other small gesture towards other people insert some positivity and make the world a better place step by step.

Herman: I would want people to have a component in the head which helps you make better choices for the nature and other people. This way, we wouldn’t think only of ourselves, but would care more for others and the environment. For example, if I do some good, I would be awarded with good feelings or if I hurt someone, I would feel the same pain they do.

About the internship programme

The whole process is quite straightforward. It starts when our departments inform the HR team about the number of interns needed for different positions. Students that are interested in becoming interns in Cybernetica must submit an application that is later followed by a test. The applicants with the best test results will be invited to an interview. Each intern will also have a mentor. They will go through the same onboarding process as all the employees do when they start in Cybernetica, which includes getting familiar with our internal policies and security guidelines.

We consider an internship to be successful if students gain new knowledge from working with us. As we're interested in expanding, at the end of the internship programme the brightest interns will be offered a full-time position.

Cooperation with universities

One of Cybernetica's core values has always been supporting the education and development of our employees. We offer flexible working hours for those who study while working. There are also many lecturers among our employees, and over the years we have offered students topics for their dissertations as well as supervised them at various levels of higher education.

As we work closely with universities, we are always able to respond very flexibly to feedback regarding mentoring. Cybernetica has offices in both Tallinn and in Tartu, which means that students from universities in these cities have equal internship opportunities and have the option to travel between offices when needed.

Cybernetica also offers internships to international students.

Where can you find us

Cybernetica participates in different career events such as Delta Career Day (formerly ATI Career Day), Võti Tulevikku (Key to the Future fair) and the likes. We have talked to various groups of students about Cybernetica's activities and our employees give lectures at the University of Tartu and TalTech. We suggest to keep an eye on our social media where we announce the participation at various fairs.

Our commitment to offering internships to international students

A key strategic part of Cybernetica's growth is internationalisation by bringing Estonia's e-governance and cybersecurity experiences to the wider world. As our communication has become more multilingual, we travel more and seek to better understand different countries and people. For us, one of the best channels in striving towards these goals has been the people who either come to work with us or do an internship at Cybernetica. Some of them will stay long - term and teach us about their own countries, some will take our experiences home and help lay the foundation for our future growth.

Why we value international students

International students add many values, including diversity. We always have something to learn from our international interns as they can learn from working with us. They can also bring the knowledge they have gained from working with us back to their home countries. The interns are a diversifying force - we will be exposed to new experiences and new skills will find their way to our engineers.

International students bring new perspectives and new ways of thinking and we welcome that.

International students offer fresh point of views

We definitely recommend Estonian companies to consider and welcome international students. They bring a different mindset with them and we always have something new to learn from them.

More than 5000 foreign students study in Estonia. Alumni in the fields of ICT, engineering, production, and construction stay in Estonia more often than others after graduation. The most popular areas in which foreign students work are information and communication, accommodation and catering, and education.