Cybernetica delivers UXP to the Government of Ukraine

Cybernetica successfully completed the second phase of the
implementation of Unified eXchange Platform to be deployed in Ukraine
for the governmental secure data exchange platform Trembita.

The project was initiated in 2017 as a part of EGOV4UKRAINE project of the Ukrainian
U-LEAD administrative reform support programme in cooperation with a
local partner, Ukrainian IT-company Soft Xpansion Ukraine.

During the second phase, relevant security functions were added in order
to comply with Ukrainian safety regulations. "According to expert assessment,
UXP is now production-ready and eligible to be used for governmental
data exchange in Ukraine. Thanks to the fruitful cooperation with our project partners,
Trembita platform is now 100%-compliant with Ukrainian cryptographic standards
and regulations. Final part of expert assessment will be
completed by the end of this year," said Maksim Ovtšinnikov, Project
manager at Cybernetica.

"We are very pleased with the implementation process and the high level
of cooperation from our Ukrainian partners," said Riho Kurg, Head of UXP
at Cybernetica. "Cybernetica will continue with support and maintenance
of the technology and head on with the strong collaboration," Kurg added.

UXP is an interorganisational secure data exchange platform developed by
Cybernetica, who developed the Estonian renowned data exchange platform
X-Road in 2001. UXP technology is used by several governments, including
Namibia and Haiti amongst others. Microsoft has recommended UXP as the
technology of choice for secure data exchage for Ireland in their
summary report "Enabling Digital Ireland".

Cybernetica, founded in 1997, is an Estonian cyber security company,
notable for its central role in building Estonian e-government
technologies for data exhange, e-customs, internet voting, digital
identity and others. Cybernetica develops and deploys mission critical
systems in over 35 countries across the world.