Cybernetica develops information system to simplify registration for VAT number

Cybernetica together with Icefire have signed a contract with the
Estonian Tax and Customs Board to develop enhanced functionality
regarding the registration of persons liable for value added tax. The
improved registration system is expected to become available in spring

800 new entities are registered to the Cybernetica-developed VAT
registry every month. The new e-service will make the process
significantly faster for the tax-payer, as the risk analysis necessary
to complete the registration is performed already prior to the
submission of the application. "Any entitiy with a clean tax record will
therefore be able to view their VAT identification number immediately
after applying," says Monika Jõesaar, the head of the service division
of the Tax and Customs Board. "Additional information is needed from
entrepreneurs without any prior records, but the submission of such
information is also possible via a user-friendly online environment,"
Jõesaar added.

According to Rudolf Osman, Head of eTax and eCustoms Systems at
Cybernetica, the project is a sign of successful long-term cooperation
with the ETCB. "We have been developing critical systems for the Tax and
Customs Board for nearly 15 years. We are honoured to once again be able
to develop systems that impact the society, enhancing ease of doing
business in Estonia," Osman says.

Online registration of persons liable for value added tax also rises
cost-efficiency, as it removes the need to visit an ETCB service centre
and greatly reduces the waiting time of registration.

Cybernetica is a R&D intensive ICT company that researches, develops and
manufactures software solutions, light signalling and telematics
products, maritime surveillance and radio communications systems.
Cybernetica has been an active counterpart in developing critical
e-Governance systems, such as the Estonian X-Road, i-Voting, e-Customs
and others.