Cybernetica develops new tariff system for Estonian Customs in cooperation with Arctic Group

Cybernetica and Arctic Group (Sweden) have started to work on a joint project for Estonian Customs to deliver the new version of Estonian Master Tariff System (ETT+), which will replace legacy information systems for tariff and quota management and surveillance.

According to Marek Helm, the Director General of Estonian Customs, the new tariff system is an integral part of Estonian foreign trade. "The importance of this project is signified by the fact that ETT+ made cross-European foreign trade possible for Estonia," says Marek Helm. "Our current tariff system was developed prior to Estonia joining the EU in 2004, therefore its underlying functionality and usability have to be modernized. Our long-standing cooperation with Cybernetica makes us confident that Estonian foreign trade will be supported by a modern and efficient tariff system," Helm adds.

According to Oliver Väärtnõu, the CEO of Cybernetica, the proposed solution has already proven its worth in several European countries. “Estonian Customs is our long-term strategic partner, therefore we seek to offer them the best possible solution available on the market. The proposed tariff system has already been successfully implemented in six European countries including Luxembourg, Denmark and Sweden,” Väärtnõu says.

The new tariff system entails more than mere administrative updates, it will also make the interaction with the system more user-friendly, allowing the users to work cross-platform, including on mobile devices. “Besides looking after the functionality, we also aim to provide convenient usability of the system,” says Rudolf Osman, head of eCustoms solutions at Cybernetica. “Estonian Customs has always been at the frontier of government innovation and this project proves that,” adds Osman.

According to Rudolf Osman the determining factor in choosing Arctic Group’s ArcticITE solution was that it has proven to be future-proof and fully compliant with EU requirements, while allowing for the calculation of taxes according to national regulations.

Cybernetica is a R&D intensive ICT company that researches, develops and manufactures software solutions, light signalling and telematics products, maritime surveillance and radio communications systems. Cybernetica has been an active counterpart in developing critical e-Governance systems, such as the Estonian X-Road, i-Voting, e-Customs and others.