Cybernetica Nominated Among the Most Attractive Employers by Estonian Students

Cybernetica was nominated as the TOP4 most attractive employer by Estonian university and vocational students.

The survey focused on students’ expectations towards their future job and employer reputation. This year, two of the most important factors shaping the students’ career choices were interesting and educational job, as well as equal and honest treatment of employees.

„It’s an honour to be recognised on such a comprehensive nationwide level. We are glad that students have noticed our efforts in supporting learning opportunities, besides other core values of our company culture – flexible working time, work-life balance, and healthy lifestyle. We support people’s personal development and encourage their studies by granting scholarships for IT students, and offering topics and supervision for their final thesis,“ said Helena Jõgi, HR Manager at Cybernetica.

The survey has been carried out since 2010 and Cybernetica has always held a position among TOP7 since 2013. According to the results of over 5400 student respondents, the popularity of IT-sector employers has been constantly growing, despite of the field of their studies.

The survey was conducted by Instar, more information on their website.