Based on the 2012 results, Cybernetica AS was issued a credit risk rating "AA" ("very good") by the assessor Krediidiinfo Ltd, an Experian company. This result is positioning Cybernetica among the top 13.9% (13.1% at "AA" and 0.8% at "AAA") of successful Estonian enterprises, characterized as follows:
The company maybe credited in the amount of the recommended credit limit. Company's rating is very good (AA) and there is low probability of insolvency.
Economical situation: Net sales have decreased during the last years. The level of sales is high. Profitability is fair. Amount of equity is very high. Registered capital has maintained the same level if compared to the last annual statement. Financial situation: current ratio - very good, quick ratio - very good, cash ratio - very good, collections - very slow. Debt ratio is very good, the company is relatively independent of debt capital. Return ratios: profit margin - fair, return on assets - low.
Krediidiinfo AS recommends a credit valuation to help you decide whether to sell on credit and how much. The credit valuation consists of the following components: credit limit, rating and insolvency probability. The credit limit is the recommended limit amount for selling on credit. The insolvency probability show the likeliness of the risk of the company falling into arrears: if it is less than 5% , the risk is low; the probability between 5 and 12% is considered moderate; and the risk is considered high at 12% or higher. The Krediidiinfo rating is the consolidated rating of the companys economic and financial standing of the company and its payment habits. The rating is expressed in letter combinations: AAA stands for excellent; AA, for very good; A, for good; BBB, for satisfactory; BB, for passable; B, for weak; C, for unsatisfactory; and U, O and N are not rated. The illustration to the rating shows the comparative distribution of Estonian companies on the basis of rating classes.