Cybernetica to Continue the Development of the Interoperability Framework Trembita in Ukraine

Cybernetica continues developing the national interoperability framework Trembita in Ukraine in cooperation with e-Governance Academy. Secure data exchange, transparency, and improved access to public services will be facilitated by adding essential functionalities to the UXP-based system.

"Trembita was started in 2017, and is without doubt one of our most important projects for interoperability. We are honoured to continue this path in a strong and trustworthy partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and e-Governance Academy’s Ukrainian team. Based on our experience in developing and implementing UXP technology on several continents, we are excited to share the journey of building a world-class digital government in Ukraine," says Riho Kurg, the Head of Data Exchange Technologies at Cybernetica.

Several functionalities are being added to Trembita to improve user experience, and expand the network of available services. The new service directory will provide information about public services that are accessible to the residents. To widen the scope of services being offered, integration of new services to Trembita will be made much easier. Another important feature is verification of data exchange between organisations by determining exact parametres of the requests, contributing to legal value and auditability of the interoperability framework.

"Trembita is special, because the local conditions have played a substantial part throughout the whole development cycle. These new functionalities are essential in terms of improving the technical performance of the system. We have simplified the process of adding new services to Trembita, as well as monitoring and verifying the data exchange, both increasing the overall interoperability of the Ukrainian digital ecosystem," adds Maksim Ovtšinnikov, Project Manager at Cybernetica.

"Our collaboration with Cybernetica has been very successful. The Trembita is fully functional and serves as the backbone for public e-service development. To date, 2,000 electronic interactions between public authorities are made daily through the Trembita system and some 50 government institutions have shown willingness to connect their databases to the system," Mari Pedak, the team leader of the EGOV4Ukraine project of e-Governance Academy, stated.

Trembita governmental interoperability project is conducted within EGOV4Ukraine project. The development started in 2017. Trembita is based on Cybernetica UXP technology. Find out more about Trembita from a case study.