Cybernetica to research cryptoeconomy development opportunities in Estonia

Cybernetica wins bid to publish a research report on the opportunities for the development of cryptoeconomy in Estonia, as procured by the Ministry of Defence. The purpose of the report is to identify opportunities for the Estonian economy in the field of cryptography and to provide a set of specific suggestions to enable the development of the sector at the national level.

Cybernetica is also the author of the crytpographic algorithms’ life cycle reports, procured on a regular basis by the Estonian Information Systems Authority since 2011. „It is a huge acknowledgement for us to be able to carry on our collaboration with the state in the field of cryptography at a wider, more societal angle,“ said Mari Seeba, project manager at Cybernetica. „Both the opportunities and challenges must be properly charted to enable the government to use these insights in actual decision-making processes,“ Seeba added.

According to a representative of the Ministry of Defence, the sector is a unique one, combing Estonian national security interests, a strong focus to fundmental science and opportunities for Estonian companies. „In cooperation with Cybernetica, we hope to establish the next steps how to elevate cryptography as a part of the defence industry to a new level,“ he added.

The report will aim to establish the key demands for cryptographic solutions of the Estonian government institutions, alongwith the current development capabilities and potential service models that could, in addition to ensuring local needs, also carry export potential.

„There are several top cryptographers in the Cybernetica team today. Applying their field knowledge to the deeper social processes will definitely be impactful. Cryptography in itself is both a part of the critical foundation systems and future technologies – this report will surely help to get a better overview and reach common ground at state level,“ Mari Seeba commented.

The report was procured by the Ministry of Defence as part of the "Strengthening of sectoral R&D (RITA)" program. The project is funded 50% by the European Regional Development Fund (support for knowledge-based policy formulation) and 50% by the MoD.