Estonian e-Tax and e-Customs access permissions and authentication services successfully upgraded by Cybernetica

Planned maintenance of the information systems of the Estonian Tax and Customs Board (ETCB) has been completed resulting in upgrade of a number of components and services of e-Tax/e-Customs (e-TCB).

According to the head of service department at ETCB Triin Raaper, authentication and access permissions services were updated during the scheduled maintenance, which makes the use of ETCB’s public services even more convenient and secure. „It is another phase of the development of e-TBC, aimed at improving our digital service environment so that customers find it is easy to use," Raaper added.

"We are glad to have completed this crucial phase of the new e-TCB with such critical upgraded functions," said Kaidi Kalu, Head of Tax and Customs Systems at Cybernetica. "Our long-term strategic partnership with ETCB is very important to us, as our team offers continued support in the existing projects and is excited to embark on new projects in this field," Kalu added.

From now on, e-TCB enables five ways of authentication: ID-card, mobile-ID and via internet banks as well as new alternatives Smart-ID and eIDAS. A number of new functionalities were added to the authentication service, which can be accessed in e-TCB under „Settings" - „Access Permissions".

Moreover, the next upgrade of the e-TCB customer desktop is ready for use, but the final version will be completed in the autumn. In addition to the existing functionality - list of settlements and declarations/returns – a new online communication component is also available, which enables messaging with e-TCB (former „Notifications to ETCB”) and viewing electronically delivered documents. The service of drawing up certificates has been updated as well.

The services were developed by Cybernetica as ordered by the ETCB and the Information Technology Centre for the Ministry of Finance. The total value of the four contracts concluded for the development of e-Tax/e-Customs in 2017 is 2.6 million euros, of which the subsidy of the European Regional Development Fund is 1.9 million euros.