European Commission Signs CyberSec4Europe Grant Agreement

This week, representatives of the European Commission signed the grant
agreement launching the CyberSec4Europe project, one of four such
projects to be selected. The successful proposals were submitted in
response to the call under Horizon 2020 to establish and operate a pilot
for a Cybersecurity Competence Network and to develop and implement a
common cybersecurity research and innovation roadmap.

With its aim to boost the effectiveness of the Security Union, the EU
wishes to ensure that it retains and develops essential capacities to
secure its digital economy, infrastructures, society and democracy. The
EU has recognised that cybersecurity research, competences and
investments are spread across Europe with too little alignment, and that
there is an urgent need to step up investment in technological
advancements that could make the Digital Single Market more cybersecure
and overcome the fragmentation of EU research capacities.

“It is an honour for Cybernetica to participate in this initiative,”
said Oliver Väärtnõu, Chairman of the Board of Cybernetica, one of the
consortium members. “Europe today should align towards collaboration
across borders – not that of states, but of disciplines and domains.
This project is a welcome step towards a united discourse in the field
of cybersecurity,” Väärtnõu added.

According to Peeter Laud, Director of Research at Cybernetica, the team
of researchers are excited and proud to embark on the project, as it was
kicked off today in Brussels. “We have been working with our European
colleagues on different EU projects for years. This particular step
reflects the results of a long journey. I would like to express
gratitude on behalf of Cybernetica and my team to everyone who has
helped this become reality,” Laud said.

Lead Co-ordinator, Professor Dr. Kai Rannenberg, Goethe University
Frankfurt, says: “On behalf of the CyberSec4Europe consortium of
partners, we are extremely grateful to the European Commission for this
opportunity to explore one of the most exciting initiatives in the area
of multi-disciplinary, cross-sector cybersecurity research and
innovation in Europe. We are very excited to be at the forefront of
efforts to address the challenges in developing a common European
approach to cybersecurity while protecting core European values such as
privacy and the rights of smaller market players such as consumers and

The CyberSec4Europe contract starts with immediate effect and will last
until July 2022 at a total cost of 16 MEUR.

CyberSec4Europe is a research-based consortium with 43 participants from
22 EU Member States and Associated Countries. As a pilot for a
Cybersecurity Competence Network, it will test and demonstrate potential
governance structures for the network of competence centres using the
best practice examples from the expertise and experience of the
participants, including concepts like CERN.