Fujisoft Presents UXP-based Solution at Healthcare Hackathon in Japan

"Wakamono Innovation Network 2019-2nd Nursing Digital Hackathon in Yokohama", which had been postponed due to the spread of new coronavirus infection, was resumed with screening presentation held at Yokohama City Hall on Sunday, July 12. Fujisoft provided a secure information linkage platform using Cybernetica's "UXP (Unified eXchange Platform)" platform, provided technical support and participated as a judge at the hackathon.

Fujisoft has signed an agreement with Yokohama City and three nursing care companies as a "Caretech Open Lab Yokohama" to improve nursing care business and citizen services with advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and security. “We are engaged in research on problem solving. We participated in the "Wakamono Innovation Network 2019-2nd Nursing Digital Hackathon in Yokohama" as one of our research themes, "Research on how to effectively linkage data among private businesses",” Fujisoft stated.

At the event, with the cooperation of each care provider of Caretech Open Lab Yokohama, Fujisoft built an information linkage platform that connects businesses using Cybernetica’s UXP, and provided an environment in which confidential care information, including personal information, could be used. Each team presented a variety of ideas utilizing the nursing care information platform before the jury (including Fujisoft).

“In the future, by utilizing this environment as a basic model that connects businesses, it will be used for the coordination of nursing care information between government agencies and private businesses. We expect it to improve the services of the citizens of the government such as nursing care and community comprehensive care, reduce the burden, and make the work more efficient,” Fujisoft stated.

Fujisoft will continue to promote the utilization of advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and security, and will contribute to the realization of issues such as digital transformation and smart cities of local governments using UXP.