New e-book: "Applications of Secure Multiparty Computation"

Cybernetica research director Peeter Laud and researcher Liina Kamm have published an e-book "Applications of Secure Multiparty Computation".

We generate and gather a lot of data daily about ourselves and the others, some of it highly confidential. While collection, storage and use of such data is strictly regulated by laws, restricting the use of data often denies the society the benefits which could be obtained from its analysis. Secure multiparty computation (SMC), a cryptographic technology pioneered by Cybernetica, makes it possible to execute specific algorithms on confidential data without the risk of sensitive information attributable to particular persons leaking in the process.

The book describes research that has become an enabling factor for secure multiparty computation, mostly performed over the last few years. The results described show how certain algorithmic steps can be performed in a privacy-preserving manner, and how to combine these steps into larger privacy-preserving applications.

You are welcome to read or download our openly accessible book here.