Santa's Got a Brand New Bag

Dear Santa,

My name is Jack. My brothers and sisters and I have decided that we need a new way to maximize our toy haul and reduce the number of duplicate toys. We want to keep our lists a secret, so as to not spoil the surprise. We think that we have just the answer to make our Christmas wishes come true. We call it “Secret Santa”.

You see Santa, it all began back in the Spring after the Easter Bunny came to our house. This year all of our Easter baskets were the same! We knew then that we had a problem on our hands.

We decided to find a solution before the potential disaster at Christmas. So, we contacted the team at Sharemind to help us out! They have a secure data analysis platform that does exactly what we need.

We have shared all our super-secret Christmas lists into the Secret Santa platform; and soon you will receive the data on exactly the right gifts for each of us. It keeps our secrets secret, and helps you out with GDPR.

It’s as if the special bag of yours that you use to deliver toys has officially gotten a technology upgrade.

We know that this will be the best Christmas ever, because we will get the toys we want, and everyone will be surprised on Christmas morning.


Jack, Joshua, Jeffrey, Johnny, Joann, Jessie, Jennifer, and Jamie