UXP-based Pitu enters full-scale deployment in Greenland

Greenlandic secure data exchange platform, based on Cybernetica’s UXP technology which also forms the core of the Estonian X-Road, is now ready to enter full-scale deployment after a positive pilot phase.

"The cooperation with our supplier, Cybernetica, and the experiences from the pilot phase has given us a boost, and we are now ready to move forward from the pilot to the delivery stage of the Pitu project,“ said John Siegstad, Head of Agency for the Greenlandic Agency for Digitisation. „We are pleased to continue the cooperation with Cybernetica in this next phase as well. Pitu is going to be the backbone of a secure digital data exchange in Greenland,” Siegstad added.

The pilot agreement was signed in the end of May last year, with the next part of the agreement entailing making basic data registers available only through Pitu (similar approach was used in Estonia to boost the adoption of X-Road). In addition, member contracts for Pitu will be prepared and necessary steps to include Pitu in the legislation of the country will be agreed.

According to Riho Kurg, Head of Data Exchange Technologies at Cybernetica, the Pitu is already proving to be an outstanding project in several aspects. „Besides broadening our horizons quite literally in such an exotic, beautiful place, Pitu is a foundational step in the larger plan of the digital transformation of Greenland,“ Kurg said. „We are extremely grateful for the partnership with the local agency and looking forward to the next phase,“ Kurg added.

For Cybernetica, the project is also the first deployment of UXP technology, which in addition to on-prem solutions utilises the Azure service, Cybernetica having launched its strategic partnership with Microsoft last year.

Cybernetica UXP technology has been implemented in several national data exchange frameworks, such as Trembita in Ukraine, NamX in Namibia and others. „Pitu“ is named after an integral connecting clasp of the dog-sled harness in the local language.