Young Talents in the Spotlight - Internship as an Analyst

We’ll keep on sharing the internship stories. This week, we had a great conversation with our former intern Aksel, who is working at Cybernetica full-time now. He told us about his internship experience as an Analyst.

Applying for the Internship

First of all, we asked Aksel about his motivation for applying. “In fact, I applied for an internship in different companies. But after I was invited to an interview at Cybernetica, it was clear that I liked it the most among the places I applied,” was his quick and confident answer.

The Most Exciting and Difficult Thing About the Internship

We asked Aksel to remember the coolest and toughest things about the internship. He reflected, “At the interview, I got to know what was the role of Analysts at Cyber, and how we could program and modify the behaviour of the system essentially using Estonian syntax. It all seemed a bit strange at first, but interesting. By now, it is quite common knowledge for me.” Aksel also brought out the importance of involvement and socialising, “I appreciated the chance of attending meetings with customers, where we discussed project details. Also, it was good to get to know other interns during my visits to Tartu office, and compete with them in table tennis battles.“

He mentioned, that the hard part was related to field specifics, “It was difficult at first, but I had a really supportive tutor. And, I believe, the best way to learn is to practically do something. Maybe in the beginning, it was also a bit difficult to get the big picture of what people outside my project were doing. But as my internship went on, I felt more and more comfortable.“

Why Did You Decide to Stay?

What made Aksel stay at Cybernetica? He pointed out several reasons, like learning about development process, and flexibility. “First of all, my goal in the internship was to see what the life cycle of a development project looked like. During the internship I worked on an interesting project, which hadn’t been completed by the end of my internship. So, my interest in seeing the final result increased. Secondly, I wanted to work alongside university and Cybernetica was a good company in that sense. I really enjoyed the freedom of setting my own work schedule and adjusting the load according to my timetable at the university.“

Why Would You Recommend an Internship at Cybernetica?

Considering his experience, Aksel definitely suggests the internship. “In general, the internship is an opportunity to get pave your way into the IT landscape. With internship at Cybernetica, I think it’s possible to get your foot to one of the very good doors. In my opinion, it is important that during the internship I dealt with real problems and tasks that no one had previously offered the answer or solution to. And, even if you fail, no fingers are pointed, but the solution is sought together.” He sums it up by saying that Cybernetica is and amazing place to learn.

If you are looking for opportunities for a summer internship, you can apply anytime. Find out more at

Stay tuned for next internship stories in the coming weeks!