Meet the team: Kelly Toomast, Analyst

“Everybody fails sometimes, and it's okay. I have always been afraid of doing something wrong, but I understand that it's actually okay and you always learn something new.”

Kelly Toomast

Senior Analyst

Since 1997, Cybernetica has proudly partnered with the Estonian Tax and Customs Board, playing a pivotal role in shaping a modern customs organisation. Today, we're excited to introduce you to one of the bright minds behind our success: Kelly, our ever-cheerful System Analyst in the Tax and Customs Systems Department. We had the pleasure of asking her some questions to learn more about her work and what drives her.

  • How long have you worked at Cybernetica, and in which positions?

I've been working at Cybernetica for a little more than 5 years. During this time, I've grown from a junior system analyst to a senior system analyst while working on Tax and Customs Systems projects.

  • Windows vs Linux vs Mac?

I've always been a Windows person, but Mac seems cool, and I definitely want to try it out in the future.

  • What’s your favourite part of the day?

I think mornings. I'm a morning person, and usually, I have this energy after waking up and having my coffee. I'm definitely more productive in the mornings.

  • Team paper notes or team digital notes?

I think I'm slowly moving towards electronic notes. I've been taking my notebook to meetings since forever, but every now and then I find myself searching for notes that are super lost in my really messy notebook, so I try to write things on my computer now.

  • Team morning workout or team evening workout?

Morning. There was a period I liked to wake up at 6 and go for a morning walk or to the gym. For me, it's really hard to find motivation to go to the gym after work.

  • Describe your team with 5 keywords.

My team is dependable, organised, fun, productive, and passionate.

  • Describe yourself with 5 keywords.

Analytical, team player, confident, good communicator, cheerful.

  • Does pineapple go on pizza?

I don't mind having it there, but I wouldn't choose it myself.

  • What’s the most challenging aspect of your work?

As an analyst, I find that sometimes the technical concepts are difficult to understand. Also, it can be challenging when the project is already ongoing but the requirements change.

  • How does your team keep each other motivated?

Praise, team events, constant feedback, and open communication.

  • What has been the most profound lesson for you at Cybernetica?

Everybody fails sometimes, and it's okay. I have always been afraid of doing something wrong, but I understand that it's actually okay and you always learn something new.

  • The most memorable project/situation you had to deal with?

I think it was my first project here, MTA2020, where the core functions of the Estonian Tax and Customs Board system were renewed and new systems were built.

  • Is there something Cybernetica has to offer that no other employer can?

I like the possibilities to grow professionally by having different responsibilities and challenges.

At Cybernetica, we blend advanced technology with a friendly and inclusive work environment, while also prioritising professional growth. What truly sets us apart is our supportive culture and our commitment to ensuring a healthy work-life balance, making us a standout employer in the tech industry.

If you’ve enjoyed getting to know Kelly, why not take the next step? Check out our open positions and see how you can join our amazing team!